How to write an IR35 friendly CV and LinkedIn Profile that still drives a guaranteed flow of interviews
Join The CV & Interview Advisors – international speakers and thought-leaders on all things related to personal branding, self-marketing and most importantly, finding a new contract.
- Still using the same old CV you have for years?
- Is it different to a permanent job seekers CV?
- Is it in line with current thinking on personal branding?
This 60 min webinar will provide high-quality information on creating a contractor CV that is IR35 friendly yet will really open doors. Previous attendees have had stellar results after implementing our step-by-step system. Our webinars are much more than a boring top 10 tips session – they have been described as “outstanding” and “truly inspirational”.
In this fast-paced and engaging webinar you will learn:
- How to create a portfolio of CVs that are in keeping with your contracting status
- How to optimise your CV for Applicant Tracking Systems
- How to transform your CV into a powerful business case
- How to use marketing techniques in your CV
- How to use case studies and value proposition statements
- The science and psychology of personal branding
- What our research is telling us about the length of CVs
- The things that you should NEVER do on your contractor CV
This is a live webinar with a Q&A session at the end for you to ask any questions.
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